Saturday, May 29, 2010


May 10th
When MEE decided to take a stand to do something to help alleviate the struggles of the African people who lack clean, safe drinking water, all things began to align up for this happen. He now joins The Water Project, a nonprofit committed to providing clean water to those who suffer needlessly without it. The Water Project works with local partners to drill fresh water wells in areas where there is no access to clean water.
May 11th
MEE wakes up from a dream with tiny, pretty, purple violets and the name Sierra Leone in his heart. He begins to research more about Sierra Leone finding out that it is one of the poorest countries in the world with one of the highest infant mortality rates. Somehow he is drawn to this place and knows that the well will be built at a school here. In a lot of cases there are holes in the ground, but no way to access the water. In most cases it means a complete reconstruction of a well. Other countries that TWP build wells at schools are in Sudan and Kenya.
May 15th
MEE is invited by Ann Lambert to share his African MEE KID dolls in a BUCKET of LOVE with the women's drumming circle. They were well received, and the encouragement given prompts his heart to flourish and well up with love for this incredible journey he feels is his to experience as he listens to the desires of his heart. The drumming circle is an incredible experience, truly connecting the soul's energy to the highest vibration of love. MEE smiles as his journey begins to bloom and blossom. Where will it take him next?

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